Thursday, 11 August 2011

Deinstallation of the wallbox

Deutsche Version

As a last procedure of the Drive eCharged project the wallbox in my garage was removed. The wallbox was a contribution of Siemens, the installation of the box and the electric cable needed to feed the box was a free service of the project (German version only:

The installed cable remains and was not removed. It is a 3 core cable with a core cross section of 4mm². This is sufficient for a single phase 32amp/230V power supply. So the electric infrastructure in the garage remains prepared for an electric car!

Nevertheless,  a 5 core cable would have been nice. In this case a standard CEE power connector (3P+N+E) with a three phase 32 amp/400V could have been installed. Or maybe in future a next generation power wallbox subject to the condition that an electric car could handle it.

The end of cable is fixed in a small distribution box and the according switch in the house main distribution board is secured to unintentional activation.

The cable now ends in a closed box. The power switch is secured to unintentional activation.

The display of the electric meter indicates 882,6 kWh. Less 10,2 kWh initial display status, the power consumption at home for the MINI E was 872,4 kWh.
However I did a lot of charging at public charging stations, so this is just a part of  MINI E #014's whole power consumption during the nine month.